Naitwa ELIETH SEKIKU, NI mtangazaji wa Radio Fadeco iliyoko Wilaya Karagwe Mkoa Kagera Tanzani. Katika Radio hii natayarisha kipindi cha jukwaa la Mwanamke ndio maana nimeamua kuleta mada hii ya je haki ya mwanamke iko wapi?
Kuna mambo muhimu ya kuangalia, kama Uzazi, Uongozi, Uridhi, na ukija kufafanua moja moja, nitaanza na Uzazi, nikimaanisha kuwa mwamke ndie anabeba mimba ndie anahangaika baba akiwa kwenye starehe zake na mwanamke akijifungua salama anamshukru mungu, sasa unaanza kulea mtoto analia usiku kucha ni wewe, mtoto anaumwa ni wewe na ukija kuangalia kuna mama wengine bado wanazaa kwa kufatanisha watoto, sasa ukimwambia baba tuzae kwa mpango baba anakataa make kupanga uzazi inabidi mpange nyinyi wawili, ukipanga peke yako akaona unachelewa kuzaa ugonvi hakuna kuelewana ndani ya nyumba, na ukizaa watoto wawili wakawa wasichana ni ugonvi baba anasema misichana imezidi humu nndani mpaka mama anakosa amani huyu mama anakuwa anaweka hizo mimba? Hapo haki iko wapi.
Ukiangalia upande wa uongozi, unakuta wakina baba wanasema eti wao hawawezi kuongozwa na wanawake, ambayo ni dhana potofu na sisi wanawake walitujengea mpaka tukawa na woga tukashindwa kujisimamia sisi kama sisi hii tena ukitaka kuilezea itachukua mda.
Ukija kwenye uridhi wa mali sasa hapo ndo tumeteketezwa jumla, unakuwa na mme wako mnahangaika na kutafuta mali hiyo lakini unakuta ukitaka kuongeza mwanamke mwingine anampachika hapo hapo ukisema anasema eti ni mali yake huwezi kuweka masharti kwani wew uliweka nini hajui bila kuangali hiyo mali mwanamke kama wewe inaweza kuteketea, kuna wanawake fisadi katika familia kila baba akijaribu kuleta maendeleo mama anafilisi tu, na upande mwingine mme wako akifa ndo shemeji zako wanaanza kujitokeza kusudi waweze kukunyanganya kile ulichonacho hawana hata haya wanasema eti ni mali ya ndugu yao na wakumbuke kuwa mtegemea cha ndugu hufa hali maskini. Sasa wapendwa hapo haki ya mwanamke iko wapi? Mimi naona tutazidi kukandamizwa mpaka mwisho hata sheria hazilindi mwanamke kikamilifu.
By Elieth Sekiku.
Jun 5, 2010
Oct 30, 2009
Mahuaji ya albino kwa Mkoa wa Kagera
The People with skin disabilities (ALBINOS) have come under great threat and attack, which has left some 245 albinos dead, and several others handicapped through amputation. Limbs of ALBINOS are madly sought by unknown people allegedly in pursuit of wealth-making, at the advice of witch doctors.
This project is intended to raise the awareness among the audience (4 million people) in the Lake Victoria region about the need to protect and respect the human rights of the ALBINOS. The project seeks through radio programs, to create. The outcome is that ALBINOS are not killed nor threatened.
The project seeks to carry out an operational research, collect/ gather information about facts, hold policy/ security meetings with concerned people and produce/ broadcast 24 radio programs hilghiling the plight faced by ALBINOS and also advocating for peace, respect and protection of the ALBINOS.
The killings of the ALBINOS have become widespread and an issue of high concern in the country. Following the unearthing of the practice by a BBC reporter VICK NTETEMA, the practice has now become widely known. There have been several incidents happening in different parts of the country. Kagera region is one such area with high incidences occurring. There has been several other incidents thereafter which rises serious concern in the country.
Background of albino killings in kagera region:
1. Karagwe district:
Starting with the month of July 2008, a grave in a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a dead person (who was an albino) were exhumed and taken away. In the same village, which has an albino, thre has been several threats with unknown people invading the particular home and threatening to kill the albino child.
Karagwe district has several albinos; These are living in constant fear. The District Commissioner has tried to conduct security meetings and promise security to these, but this is not enough. It is like these ALBINOS have limited protection- because the security needed rests on the community where they reside, to provide all necessary of protection.
Further the district authorities have gone a further step by secluding all albino children of school going age to a boarding primary school. This is a very commendable effort indeed. But the complexity of the matter rests again on the community. These children come from a community- this has to provide them with the due respect and protection.
2. Muleba District: The recent wave has spread to Muleba district. Here several police reports have confirmed cases of albino children killed. One recent sad episode was when Albino-Mongers invaded a home in a village in Muleba, broke into the house and amputated a young girl taking her two arms and legs leaving her dead. The Regional police commander has confirmed this.
3. Ngara district: The recent case of a woman amputated in Ngara is a very sad story that has covered the news headlines, and the frontline story by ITV. This is one of the few such sad stories.
Sekiku JosephDirectorFADECO Community Radio (FRC 100.8 FM)P. O. Box 223Karagwe- Kagera RegionTANZANIA
Tel: +255 28 2227033Fax: +255 28 2227024Cell: +255 754 605682
Skype ID= jsekikuYahoo ID = sekiku2002
The People with skin disabilities (ALBINOS) have come under great threat and attack, which has left some 245 albinos dead, and several others handicapped through amputation. Limbs of ALBINOS are madly sought by unknown people allegedly in pursuit of wealth-making, at the advice of witch doctors.
This project is intended to raise the awareness among the audience (4 million people) in the Lake Victoria region about the need to protect and respect the human rights of the ALBINOS. The project seeks through radio programs, to create. The outcome is that ALBINOS are not killed nor threatened.
The project seeks to carry out an operational research, collect/ gather information about facts, hold policy/ security meetings with concerned people and produce/ broadcast 24 radio programs hilghiling the plight faced by ALBINOS and also advocating for peace, respect and protection of the ALBINOS.
The killings of the ALBINOS have become widespread and an issue of high concern in the country. Following the unearthing of the practice by a BBC reporter VICK NTETEMA, the practice has now become widely known. There have been several incidents happening in different parts of the country. Kagera region is one such area with high incidences occurring. There has been several other incidents thereafter which rises serious concern in the country.
Background of albino killings in kagera region:
1. Karagwe district:
Starting with the month of July 2008, a grave in a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a person a village called Nyakasimbi was opened and bones of a dead person (who was an albino) were exhumed and taken away. In the same village, which has an albino, thre has been several threats with unknown people invading the particular home and threatening to kill the albino child.
Karagwe district has several albinos; These are living in constant fear. The District Commissioner has tried to conduct security meetings and promise security to these, but this is not enough. It is like these ALBINOS have limited protection- because the security needed rests on the community where they reside, to provide all necessary of protection.
Further the district authorities have gone a further step by secluding all albino children of school going age to a boarding primary school. This is a very commendable effort indeed. But the complexity of the matter rests again on the community. These children come from a community- this has to provide them with the due respect and protection.
2. Muleba District: The recent wave has spread to Muleba district. Here several police reports have confirmed cases of albino children killed. One recent sad episode was when Albino-Mongers invaded a home in a village in Muleba, broke into the house and amputated a young girl taking her two arms and legs leaving her dead. The Regional police commander has confirmed this.
3. Ngara district: The recent case of a woman amputated in Ngara is a very sad story that has covered the news headlines, and the frontline story by ITV. This is one of the few such sad stories.
Sekiku JosephDirectorFADECO Community Radio (FRC 100.8 FM)P. O. Box 223Karagwe- Kagera RegionTANZANIA
Tel: +255 28 2227033Fax: +255 28 2227024Cell: +255 754 605682
Skype ID= jsekikuYahoo ID = sekiku2002
Ni masikitikitiko makubwa ya mauhaji ya albino ambayo yalitokea katika nchi yetu ya Tanzania na bado yanaendelea ila kwa sasa yamepungua sio kama hapo awali. Na hii inatokana na imani ya kishirikina ambapo mtu anataka utajiri wa haraka kwa kupitia viungo hivyo vya albino au zeruzeru.
Huu ni ukiukaji wa haki za binaadamu,inasikitisha na kutia aibu taifa letu la tanzania hasa kwenye nchi za kigeni,unapoangalia na kusoma vichwa vya habari na mahojiano dhidi ya kuuwawa kwa maalbino nchi tanzania..
Naona kila mmoja wetu itabidi kuwajibika na kulikemea swala hili wazi wazi bila kuoneana aibu,ni fedhea na ukatili usiostahika katika jamii yetu,serikali lazima ichukue hatua kali kwa yoyote yule aanayehusika au kukamatwa kwa kumua albino..hukumu yake lazima iwe ni kunyongwa,bila ya kujali ni nani au anawadhifa gani.
Na katika jamii zetu albino wamekuwa wakikumbana na changamoto mbali mbali kama kunyapaliwa na jamii wanazotokea kuanzia koo zao na hata jamii inayowazunguka na kuwachukulia kama watu wasiokuwa na thamani yoyote kwenye jamii na kulifanya tatizo la mauaji linakomaa, maana wanakuwa hawana watetezi wakaribu.
Hata wanapopatwa na matizo mauaji na vtisho wanakosa msaada wa karibu,kwa ujumla jamii imekuwa haitoi ushirikiano wa kutosha kuhakikisha wale wote wanaohusika na mauaji wanapatikana kupitia ushirikiano jamii.
Wamekuwa wakikosa ulinzi wa kutosha pamoja na siraha maalum za kujilindia maadui wao kama vile visu vya kukunja(okapi)na hata filimbi,filimbi ambazo zilitolewa hazikutosha kuwafikia walemavu wote wa ngozi, na zana nyingine ambazo ni muhimu sana kama vile Bastola zitakazowasaidia sana kupambana na wauaji hawa. Na serikari inabidi iweke ulinzi kamili na kufuatilia kesi zao ziwe na uzito katika ufuatiliaji.
Kukosa wafadhili wa kuwawezesha mitaji ya kuanzisha biashara ndondogo na hii ni pamoja na kukosa ofisi maalum ya kufanyia kazi zao na vifaa vya kutosha vya mawasiliano kama vile Simu, radio na kamera kwa ajili ya kupiga picha mazingira wanayoishi kuwa ni ya hatarishi zaidi na kuwafanya wasioamini kuwa wako kwenye mazingira magumu waweze kuamini haya yanayozungumzwa. Na Elieth Joseph
Ni masikitikitiko makubwa ya mauhaji ya albino ambayo yalitokea katika nchi yetu ya Tanzania na bado yanaendelea ila kwa sasa yamepungua sio kama hapo awali. Na hii inatokana na imani ya kishirikina ambapo mtu anataka utajiri wa haraka kwa kupitia viungo hivyo vya albino au zeruzeru.
Huu ni ukiukaji wa haki za binaadamu,inasikitisha na kutia aibu taifa letu la tanzania hasa kwenye nchi za kigeni,unapoangalia na kusoma vichwa vya habari na mahojiano dhidi ya kuuwawa kwa maalbino nchi tanzania..
Naona kila mmoja wetu itabidi kuwajibika na kulikemea swala hili wazi wazi bila kuoneana aibu,ni fedhea na ukatili usiostahika katika jamii yetu,serikali lazima ichukue hatua kali kwa yoyote yule aanayehusika au kukamatwa kwa kumua albino..hukumu yake lazima iwe ni kunyongwa,bila ya kujali ni nani au anawadhifa gani.
Na katika jamii zetu albino wamekuwa wakikumbana na changamoto mbali mbali kama kunyapaliwa na jamii wanazotokea kuanzia koo zao na hata jamii inayowazunguka na kuwachukulia kama watu wasiokuwa na thamani yoyote kwenye jamii na kulifanya tatizo la mauaji linakomaa, maana wanakuwa hawana watetezi wakaribu.
Hata wanapopatwa na matizo mauaji na vtisho wanakosa msaada wa karibu,kwa ujumla jamii imekuwa haitoi ushirikiano wa kutosha kuhakikisha wale wote wanaohusika na mauaji wanapatikana kupitia ushirikiano jamii.
Wamekuwa wakikosa ulinzi wa kutosha pamoja na siraha maalum za kujilindia maadui wao kama vile visu vya kukunja(okapi)na hata filimbi,filimbi ambazo zilitolewa hazikutosha kuwafikia walemavu wote wa ngozi, na zana nyingine ambazo ni muhimu sana kama vile Bastola zitakazowasaidia sana kupambana na wauaji hawa. Na serikari inabidi iweke ulinzi kamili na kufuatilia kesi zao ziwe na uzito katika ufuatiliaji.
Kukosa wafadhili wa kuwawezesha mitaji ya kuanzisha biashara ndondogo na hii ni pamoja na kukosa ofisi maalum ya kufanyia kazi zao na vifaa vya kutosha vya mawasiliano kama vile Simu, radio na kamera kwa ajili ya kupiga picha mazingira wanayoishi kuwa ni ya hatarishi zaidi na kuwafanya wasioamini kuwa wako kwenye mazingira magumu waweze kuamini haya yanayozungumzwa. Na Elieth Joseph
Oct 29, 2009
Day four
To day we was discussing about how the journalist research on in for many purpose in the arranging news through internet.
The course has been very interesting, although I use internet my day work in this course I have leaned some new things like how it is possible to use different website to find information. The most interesting thing was making a blog and being able to post and publish some articles and even pictures from different website and blogs, though it will be more interesting in the was being able to create links.
Also like yesterday we learn how to write and how to edit news through the blogger on the internet. Also on to day we learn about Nobel of peace of Mwangari Maathai a woman from Kenya, Kenya green belt movement among with sports especially the countries that qualifying in FIFA world championship
To day we was discussing about how the journalist research on in for many purpose in the arranging news through internet.
The course has been very interesting, although I use internet my day work in this course I have leaned some new things like how it is possible to use different website to find information. The most interesting thing was making a blog and being able to post and publish some articles and even pictures from different website and blogs, though it will be more interesting in the was being able to create links.
Also like yesterday we learn how to write and how to edit news through the blogger on the internet. Also on to day we learn about Nobel of peace of Mwangari Maathai a woman from Kenya, Kenya green belt movement among with sports especially the countries that qualifying in FIFA world championship
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